Silversea Honors Its 30th Anniversary

Over the last three decades, the cruise business has evolved in myriad ways.  Go-kart tracks, towering water slides, submarines — today’s seas seem to brim with diversions.  For many of us, such whiz-bang attractions do more to distract rather than enhance what we came for: the voyage.

Since 1994, Silversea has sailed a different direction.  By innovating with new levels of service and cuisine, by pioneering with style rather than size, and by introducing unfamiliar destinations alongside a schedule that courses great sea passages, Silversea’s guests have become accustomed to discovering the world while curled in the lap of luxury.

As it celebrates its 30th anniversary, Silversea is taking a moment to look back at the places, the sightings, the events its guests hold dear — through the recollections of those passengers.  As longtime client Maureen Falo, explained: “In April, 1994 Pablo and I boarded the Silver Cloud in Istanbul for her second scheduled cruise.  In the terminal, butlers in tails and white gloves awaited and escorted passengers and belongings to their suites.  The whole 10-day ride was one over-the-top, spectacular event after another.  Times change, ships change, demographics change, but 30 years later we’re still at it. Some 700-plus days of Silversea experience has not dampened our overall satisfaction.  We board the Silver Moon in 104 days…. I’m smiling as I write.”

Zodiac tours in Antarctica

Silversea's 30th Anniversary