Laura Lazzaroni
Award-winning journalist and author Laura Lazzaroni was the first editor in chief of Food & Wine Italia. Previously New York correspondent for D di Repubblica, the weekly of Italy’s main newspaper, then
Features Editor of L’Uomo Vogue in Milan, Lazzaroni was the coauthor with three-Michelin-starred chef Niko Romito of the book 10 Lezioni di Cucina. She has written two books on bread: Altri Grani Altri Pani
(2017) and La Formula del Pane (2021). In 2021 she published her first book in English, The New Cucina Italiana: What to Eat, What to Cook, and Who to Know in Italian Cuisine Today, with Rizzoli New York. In 2022 she co-curated the exhibit “Gusto! Gli italiani a tavola 1970-2050”, tracing the evolution of Italian taste, and the accompanying volume of essays, published by Marsilio Arte. She is an accomplished bread consultant, specializing in old varieties and evolutionary populations of wheat.